Johannes Gontrum
- Email : [email protected]
- Github : jgontrum
- LinkedIn : Johannes Gontrum
About me
I'm Johannes Gontrum,
An entrepreneur and coder with a 10+ years background in natural language processing, both in industry and academia. Currently, I spent the majority of my time as a co-founder of Knowing Company, where we create an AI platform that can drive a conversation with intention, personality and empathy.
I also enjoy working as a freelancer to help companies master their NLP and AI challenges. If you're interested in hiring me for consulting, research, or development, please reach out via email.
Get in touchName Johannes Gontrum
Language Skills German (native) - English (fluent)
Location Uppsala, Sweden
Interests Entrepreneurship, Language Technology, Polaroid Photography, Hydroponic Gardening
Education & Skills
Linköping University
Freestanding Course:
Ethics in Artificial Intelligence
Uppsala University
Master of Arts in
Language Technology
University of Potsdam
Bachelor of Science in Computational Linguistics
Founder - an easy-to-use NLP API (early stage)
Knowing Company
Founder - a podcast transcription search solution (idea phase)
Software Development and Consulting - Freelance
Knowing AB
Co-founder (on hold)
Mid-level Developer for Computational Linguistics
Retresco GmbH
Deep Learning in NLP (PyTorch)
DevOps (Docker, Serverless, bare-metal)
My Work
Attention Mechanisms for Transition-based Dependency Parsing
Master's Thesis.
Examiner: Prof. Joakim Nivre.
Grade: Passed with Distinction.
Deep Contextualized Word Embeddings in Transition-Based and Graph-Based Dependency Parsing–A Tale of Two Parsers Revisited
Alto: Rapid Prototyping for Parsing and Translation
State Splitting for Interpreted Regular Tree Grammars
Bachelors's Thesis.
Examiner: Prof. Alexander Koller.
Grade: Very Good.
Text-based Geolocation of German Tweets
2nd Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer-Mediated Communication
Fine-tuning Contextualized Word Embeddings for Dependency Parsing
Uppsala University.
Building Lightweight APIs with Connexion and Swagger
Retresco GmbH.
Introduction to NLP with spaCy
University of Potsdam.
Text-based Geolocation of German Tweets
2nd Workshop on NLP4CMC.
JWT Authentication with FastAPI and AWS Cognito
Blog post published at Data Driven Investor about JWT authentication in the FastAPI framework.
Integrating BERT and ELMo into the UUParser
First known combination of contextualized word-embeddings with a transition-based dependency parser.
Attention-based Dependency Parser in PyTorch
PyTorch implementation of a transition-based dependency parser. Project for my Master's Thesis.
Recommendation Engine for mysimpleshow
Greatly contributed in designing and implementing a recommendation engine while employed as a software developer at Retresco GmbH.
How to build a simple Email List directly from your Landing Page
Blog post that explains how Airtable and AWS Lambda can be used to collect email addresses from your landing page visitors.